Q and A: How to Bleach Wood for Your Woodworking Projects?
One question that's often asked by upcoming woodworkers is "How to Bleach Wood for Your Woodworking Projects?"
When bleaching wood, the first priority is safety so be sure that you’re wearing protective equipment like glasses, rubber gloves, an apron, and a mask. The first step is to clean the wood using some
Tri-Sodium Phosphate wood cleaner on a clean lint free cloth. If, after wiping, you find that you need to strip some varnish off, use paint remover.
Next, use a plastic or metal scraper to remove any excess finish that comes off.
Then, use a hand sander or piece of sandpaper to get all of the wood as close to raw as possible, and then finish with a light buff on 120 grit sandpaper.
Apply the bleach in a 1:1 mixture with water in a spray bottle and continue to spray and dry until it’s the color you want.
Then use wax to seal it and voila, you’ve successfully bleached wood!