The Best Woodworking Gifts Guide for Woodworkers
Everyone has that one woodworker in their family, that is always working on some new exciting project. Whether that is your dad, uncle, brother, or even yourself, we all know someone who fits that definition.
This begs the question: what do you get as a gift for someone who can build everything for themselves?
We have been in that situation before and want to ensure that no one else ever has to go through the hassle that we did.
This is why we have compiled the best woodworking gift guide to help find the perfect present for any family member or friend.
To start, everyone needs clothes, obviously. There is no better way to show off fun style than with a cool t shirt. We’ve scoured the internet to find some of the funniest wood working t shirts that your wood artiste is sure to love.
Check out this If You See Me Hugging a Tree, I Am Estimating Board Feet shirt. The rugged craftsmen design fits any rough around the edges person you may know.
We also know, from personal experience, that woodworking is all encapsulating. Whether you’re building a shelf or sanding some oak planks, it may take your full concentration but it’s also therapeutic, just like how running or jogging is to some.
This is why this robust Woodworking is my Cardio t shirt is perfect and an amazing present for any occasion.
If you want a different gift idea for your woodworker, look no further. We also found a wide variety of different woodworking focused mugs. We only list a couple here so we encourage you to further explore the catalog of mugs on the website rather than only the ones that we call out.
The thing about woodworking as a hobby is that you start a lot of projects that you never completely finish. I myself can think of several projects that I was really excited about and gave up halfway just because I did not feel like completing them any more.
This is why this I’m Working On my PHD - Projects Half Done in Woodworking mug is yet another great gift idea. Some say that woodworking is just a hobby, but the rest of us know that it is really an entire lifestyle to embrace.
Woodworkers plan on doing it for the rest of their life which is why this Yes, I have a Retirement Plan I Plan on Woodworking mug is a great idea for a woodworker of any age, whether they are close to retirement age or not.
Now that we’ve gotten the commonplace items out of the way, let’s get to the more extraordinary gift ideas for a woodworker. Check out this Small Concealment Cabinet with RFID Locks + Farmhouse Hardware Hats & Coats. First off: the design is absolutely beautiful and goes with any other furniture or ornaments someone may have.
The handmade wood craft is very durable and is a great multifunctional space for both hanging coats and securely concealing anything needing to be hidden such as cash. If the stunning handiwork and usefulness is not enough to convince you, it also comes with a free foam insert, perfect for modifying for any use.
Everything is secured through usage of an RFID card so that no one can go prying into your or a friends personal possessions. Not just one, but two RFID cards come with a purchase so you can give one to a friend or family member so that they can also access it. Personally, this is our favorite item on this list so be sure to check it out.
We also found a couple more items that we are scrambling to get ourselves. The first is this useful digital angle finder ruler protractor tool. It may sound basic but we cannot tell you how many times we have had to completely redo steps of projects simply because an angle measurement we made with a normal protractor messed us up by only a couple of degrees.
This wasted valuable time that could have been spent doing many other more important things. The digital exactness of this tool makes it a necessity for anyone who considers themselves a woodworker! The final product on this list is purely for entertainment.
If you want to add some flair to another woodworker’s workshop or even your own, you need to get these hand tool based pens. Their heads look like normal tools like a wrench or screwdriver but the bottom functions as a pen.
In conclusion, we hope that we have helped you find a suitable gift for that woodworker in your life. Whether this was one of the mugs, shirts, or other items that we listed, we hope it fits your needs well.
Be sure to check out the rest of our website if you’re interested in everything woodworking. Thanks for reading and happy woodworking!